Friendship is a relationship or mutual affection between two or more people. friends are those who knows, like, trust one another and enjoy being with each other, they support and help each other in anyway possible.They are attached to each other by feelings or affection or person regard.
    Some characeristics that are present in many types of friendship include, affection, sympathy, empathy, honesty, altruism, mutual understanding and compassion and ability to be oneself, express one feelings and make mistake without the fear of judgement from the friend.
 some things true friends do with each other are:
- They face problem together.

- They keep their promises.

- They learn from each other.

- They will tell you something straight up and  not  sugarcoat it.

- They know everything about each other.

- They feel comfortable at each other's houses.

- They don't seriously get mad at each other.

- The listen and understand each other.
- They don't hold grudges over each other.

- They always have each others back and would never let anyone talk shit about them.

- They know each other's flaw but still accepts them.

- They can tell when something is bothering them.

- They never get bored hanging out with each other.

- They seek advices from each other.

- They share very personal things with each other.

- They laugh with and at each other.

- They shamelessly recall embarrasing memories.

- They forgive each other.

- They never take revenge on one another, no matter how bad a fight was.

- They will never be awkward with each other.

- They will never let anyone ruin their relationship.

- They call instead of texting.

- They know each others favourites.

- They let YOU be YOU..

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